Here’s how to anchor a post on Medium so that when you click on a list you’ve created while writing, it scrolls directly to that list and you can see what you’ve written.
Look at the post for the Neuralink below, see that it’s anchored, and then write this post.
⚓ Find anchor name
🔗 Place the link
📌 Verify link works
⚓ Find anchor name
※ I use Google Chrome for my browser, but I also use MS Edge for testing, so I’ll show you how to find the anchor name in each browser.
In the Korean version of this article, I also used a browser called Naver Whale, but it doesn’t perform as well, and it’s not the browser you need, so I’ll leave it out.
Normally, when I have a large list of posts, I anchor the first title as well, but I only link to titles that are visible within a single page. Therefore, here’s how to link to the second title, the “🔗 Place the link” section below, by checking the anchor name.
Drag the “🔗 Place the link” part as shown in the screenshot below, and then,
The popup window that appears after right-clicking on the blocked area is shown below.
From left to right, the popup window in Google Chrome and MS Edge.
Click on “Inspect” at the bottom of both to see the HTML source code of the page you are viewing.
In Google Chrome, you’ll see a window like the one below.
The shortcut to show or close the source code is F12. Press it once to show it, and press it again to close it while it looks like the one below.
In the above state, the portion of HTML code with the blue background is currently selected, as shown below.
On MS Edge, it looks like this.
In the part that contains the link, the first <h3 name=”a96f” part of the text that contains the link, name=”a96f” is the name of the anchor.
In your writing, that part might not start with an h3.
The important part is the part that starts with “name=”.
In Google Chrome, the content is sometimes hidden, as shown below.
In the above code, click on the part that looks like below to see the content.
🔗 Place the link
Now, drag and select the part you want to link to and enter the link in the part where you want to enter the link. Please write the sharp symbol at the beginning like below, then write “a96f” for name and press enter to link.
Then, when you click Link in the post list, it will scroll to “🔗 Place the link” above.
📌 Verify link works
You can check this by clicking “Contents” and the “TOP” section below.
The “TOP” below is the name information in the title of the post after checking the above method.
🔼️ TOP