🚁Cave B. ② How to get Rope gun | Sons of the Forest

7 min readJun 29, 2024


From the middle of Cave B to where you escape the cave, I introduce the location of the rope gun, strategies for avoiding or defeating mutants, and the locations of loot you can get.

※ The content below contains extremely disgusting cannibals, monsters, and emotionally burdensome screenshots. If you do not want to see these things, please don’t read this article.

🗺️Maps: Rope gun, Loots & Enemies Locations in Cave B
⛏️Solafite vein | ☠️Puffies & 2 Fingers | 👶Mutant Babies
👷Worker corpse | 👶Mutant Babies + Sometime 1 Fingers
🪖Teamate corpse | 👉Fingers + Mutant Babies | 🪢Rope Gun | ♊TwinsMutant Babies | 🚩Exit
📚Sons of the Forest (2024) Walkthrough Contents

How to get Rope gun in Cave B | Sons of the Forest

🗺️Maps: Rope gun, Loots & Enemies Locations in Cave B

Part 1.
🚩Cave Entrance, ☠️Puffies, ✝️Cross, etc., ⛏️Artifacts 3, 📄Mail,
💥Sticky Bomb, 🐌Sluggy, ☠️Puffies, 🎯Sniper position, 📄Mail,
👉Fingers, 🖼️Mural, ♊Twins, 👶Mutant Babies, 📝Mail (Cave C)

Part 2.
12. ️Solafite vein, ☠️Puffies & 2 Fingers, 👶Mutant Babies,
👷Worker body, 🪖Teamate body, 👉Fingers + Mutant Babies,
🪢Rope Gun, ♊Twins, ❓Mutant Babies, 22. Exit

Cave B maps | Sons of the Forest

⚠️Cave B. Part 2

If you move towards the wall on the left as shown below,

Near location 12 in the game, visible only by flashlight.
The above screenshot has been brightened to make it easier to identify.

⛏️Solafite vein

As shown in the screenshot below, there is a wooden box where there is a solafite vein. Later, if you get the Pickaxe from Cave F, you can mine the Solafite Vein to obtain ore.

☠️Puffies & 2 Fingers

This is a place with 3–4 Puffies and 2 Fingers. If you just ignore it and pass by, it is better to ignore the babies at location 14 as well. Sometimes Fingers chases the babies to where they are.

In the screenshot below, head straight towards the slightly lower terrain that looks like a road in the center and you will come across a narrow passage. As you get closer to the passage, there is some light at the beginning of the passage, making it look like there is a passage there, as shown in the screenshot below.

Screenshot showing a faint passageway near the next passageway.
Puffies and Fingers are everywhere or chasing you.

👶Mutant Babies

Where a worker’s corpses are hanging upside down from the ceiling, there are about 3 to 5 mutant babies. If you have enough 9mm ammo, you can use the pistol to quickly defeat it with a headshot, or you can just ignore it and move on.

Sometimes Fingers will follow you wherever you go.

On the left is a mutant baby, and on the right is a situation where Fingers is attacking.

If you go to the right at the crossroads where there are solafite veins,

In the above situation, when viewed with a flashlight
In the above situation, when viewed with a torch

👷Worker corpse

There is an ammo bag under the center front. Before the official launch, the stalactites at the back were wide open so you could see the rope gun and zip line behind, but someone made the stalactites tighter to prevent people from entering through the back road.

In the screenshot on the right below, the red line between the stalactites is a zipline, and there is a rope gun around the circled area.

The space seen behind the stalactites

👶Mutant Babies + Sometime 1 Fingers

Go back to the fork and take the other path, the path to the right from your current location. There are mutant babies in front of you where you have to crouch past the horrible things.

If you pass the place below,

There are about 4 mutant babies in front of a narrow passage that you have to crouch through. If you look on the right, there is also an MRE pack.

Mutant babies and MRE(Meals Ready to Eat) packs in front of a narrow passage

This is random, but there may be a fingers right in the next area you crouch down through, or it may be a little further inside.

🪖Teamate corpse

If you go to location 17,

Cave B maps | Sons of the Forest

There are items as below.

👉Fingers + Mutant Babies

The Fingers here are the Fingers further in and the Babies. These fingers may be here, sometimes near the rope gun, sometimes not.

Mutant babies on the left side of the stalactite and in the water behind it.

After defeating the babies, You can safely defeat Fingers when it attacks in places like the screenshot below where you can enter by crouching on the left.

A location where you can attack from a distance without being attacked by Fingers.

There are four more mutant babies in the area below, near where the rope gun is.

🪢Rope Gun

Get the rope gun and surrounding items…

A place with a rope gun and a rope gun

I think the developers were proud to show off the rope gun.
Weird cutscenes can’t be skipped.

If you look at the top of the front, there is a zipline connected there.
When going down the rope, if you try to pick up the cloth with E, you will fall. Cloth hanging on the zip line must be picked up before going down the line.

Zip line & cloth

If you take the zipline down and continue along the passage in front, you will reach the exit.


A digging sound is heard near the worker’s body, and Twins jump out or the Twins cry. Defeating it will grant you a piece of creepy armor. If you feel burdened by defeating the Twins, just ignore this and follow the path.

a Twins

❓Mutant Babies

I don’t know what the distinction is, but as you follow the road, sometimes there are mutant babies at the bends in the road, and sometimes there are not. Most of the time, there aren’t any, but there may be babies in the middle if their survival date is more than a week old.

Defeat or ignore it and continue along the road until you reach the exit.


I was trying to take a neat screenshot of the exit, but the Twins that followed me and the Twins that were burned out haha.
(I hit this with a torch.)

On the far right is where the passage narrows just before the exit. The Twins can’t chase you here. It burns well with a torch, but Molotov cocktails are useless.

The Twins were chased near the exit, hit with a torch, and burned.

There is an exit on the right side of the narrow passage.

Exit of Cave B


