📚Sons of the Forest (2024) walkthrough Contents (WIP)

9 min readJun 11, 2024


Below is an English translation of my walkthrough for “Sons of the Forest” in Korean. I’ve created a map of the cave to help you understand each walkthrough, and this is a list of all my walkthroughs. Enjoy and have a good game.

📢 Recently Updated

2024–09–21⚡Electronics 101 (How to use Solar Energy, install Spotlight)
2024–09–15 📌How to use Console Commands (cheatstick)
2024–09–10 📌️Artifact 101
2024–08–31 🚁To leave or Not to leave, that is the question
2024–08–26 🦾How to upgrade Acient & Bone Armor


📌How to use “goto”, “gotozone” Console Commands
📌How to get essential items
📌️Tips about Fishing, Hunting, Armor, Arrows and Materials
+ Snowberry Locations
⚔️Mutants: characteristics and how to defeat them

🚩Cave A, B, C, D, F, G | Bunker A, B, C | Food Bunker
🚩Entertainment Bunker | 📌️How to Use Folding Gliders
📌️How to use Artifacts (Solafite Plating, Teleport, Generator)
📌️How to use Weapon Upgrade Device and Tips

🚩Residential Bunker, Luxury Bunker, Helipad (Last Battle),
Last Artifact Cave | ⛵ Boat Locations

📌️How to Upgrade your weapons / Virginia, Kelvin clothes location
📌Modifying your save file 📌How to use Console Commands (cheatstick)

🏗️Building Tips | ⚡Electronics 101 | 💃All about Clothes

🩰Some ways to get to know Virginia1️⃣ | Virginia2️⃣
🩴Virginia Reactions🙂‍↔️😱🦨😵‍💫

The articles below that are marked with a ⭐ in front of the link are for Medium Members only.

Sons of the Forest (2024) walkthrough Contents

📌goto, gotozone Commands

Among the movement keys below, gotozone moves to a specific location outdoors.

goto numbers (x z y coordinates)
go directly to a specific location, including outdoors and inside caves

goto name
is Enter once to move to the outdoors above the location, and enter again to move to that location

Both are nearby, but when you enter the code, it will take you outdoors, and then once again, it will take you to that location. If the game experience doesn’t load properly, you may have to enter the same code multiple times. Once entered, the space is outdoors, but the cave status is applied, leaving the GPS, Kelvin, Virginia, and other enemies missing.


⭐📌How to get essential items

1. Near Cave B 🏃goto -1110.6 127.5 -173.4
The code to move near the rope gun in the cave is “goto -1203 129 -276”.
The first time you input it, it falls straight through the wall. Enter it again and the cave will load and drop into the correct location.

2. Abandoned camp (modern axe, pot) 🏃goto -703 105 448
3. Flashlight, GPS 🏃goto -623 153 384
4. Lifeboat (Pistol) feat. Shark 🏃goto -1796.8 15.5 578
If you move with the goto command above, it will fall exactly on the boat.

38. Binoculars 🏃goto -1115 19 1720


📌️Tips about Fishing, Hunting, Armor, Arrows and Materials
+ Snowberry Locations

⚔️Mutants: characteristics and how to defeat them

5. Cave A (Rebreather, Taser, Artifact 1) 🏃goto -421.9 14.5 1518.2
Get ready to explore the cave A
⭐② How to get Artifact 1
⭐③ How to get Stun Gun and Rebreather

Rebreather 🏃goto -433 12 1457
Taser 🏃goto -645 18 1513
Artifact 1 🏃goto ArtifactPieceAPickup
Nearby Where Hang glider is 🏃goto -1299 82 1738

Cave A Maps

6 Abandoned Camp (Machete, Pot) 🏃goto -47 19 1456

1. Cave B ① Artifact 3, Cross ② Rope Gun 🏃goto -1110.6 127.5 -173.4
⭐① How to get Cross, Artifacts 3
⭐② How to get Rope gun
(In the order in which the items are obtained, the cross, artifact 3, mail indicating the location of Cave C, and rope gun)
Stun baton🏃goto -1145 132 -163


🏃If you can’t move at once, you’ll have to enter the same code multiple times.

Artifact 3 🏃goto ArtifactPieceCPickup
Rope Gun 🏃goto -1203 129 -276

Cave B Maps

7. Cave C 🏃‍♂️gotozone JN
⭐① How to get Shovel
⭐② How to get Bunker A’s Location GPS
shovel 🏃goto -421 141 -83

Cave C Maps

8. Maintenance Bunker A (maintenance keycard, firefighter axe, Pistol rail, 3D Printer, Tuxedo) 🏃goto -477.8 86 708.6
In front of where you have to shovel, Type “diggingclear on” into the console and you’re done.
⭐🪪How to get Maintenance Keycard + Shotgun, Hang glider

9. GPS northwest of island (shovel required, shotgun)
Grave with a shotgun 🏃goto -1340 98 1410
nearby hang glider location 🏃goto -1299 82 1738

⭐10. 🍗Food Bunker (crossbow, VIP keycard) 🏃‍♂️gotozone GT
Crossbow location: 🏃goto -1023 64 987

11. 💃Entertainment Bunker (Guest Keycard, Tracksuit, Guitar, Chainsaw) 🏃goto -1189.4 67 130.8
12. Small Cave (Glider Launcher Blueprint) 🏃‍♂️gotozone GN
🏃goto BlueprintHangGliderLauncherPickup


📌️How to Use Folding Gliders

⭐13–1. Cave D ① From the West 🏃goto -543.5 283 -633.4
⭐13–3. Cave D ② From the East (Rifle) 🏃goto 969.4 245 -408.5
Cave D ③ Intersection Area (Ancient Armor, Artifact 6)
Acient Armor location: 🏃goto ArtifactPieceGPickup
After moving, you are crushed into a state where you are swimming under the ship, If you try for a while crouching, jumping, sprinting, etc., you can get out of this position.

Cave D ④ Escape Area (Artifact 2)
+ Bunker B, Bunker C, Nearby Camp, Plane Crash Site

13–2 Cave D’s Exit 🏃goto -644.5 195 -1050

Cave D Maps

14. Plane Crash Site (leather jacket, Holosprings flyer)
🏃goto -973 251.5 -1059.7

15. Maintenance Bunker B (Bunker C GPS, 3D Printer, Silencer, Compound Bow) in Cannibals camp 🏃goto -1135.2 278.5 -1101.1

16. Small Cave (Teleporter Blueprint, Uber Trap Blueprints, Nightvision Goggle, Notes) 🏃goto -1122.3 228.5 -1609.8
Uber Trap Blueprints location: 🏃goto BlueprintUberTrapPickup

17. Small Cave (Solafite Generator Blueprints) 🏃goto -1717 16.5 -940


📌️How to use Artifacts (Solafite Plating, Teleport, Generator)

18. Ice Cave (can opener, Note) 🏃goto -156.6 406.5 -111.4
19. A small cave that is blocked 🏃goto 176.5 131.5 924.3

⛵ Boat Location:

20 (Action Cam, Note 2 pcs, Pajamas) 🏃goto 467.3 14 1230
21 Maintenance Bunker C (Revolver, Note) 🏃goto 1109 127.7 1007.7

Cave F Maps

⭐22 Cave F (Artifact #4, Weapon Upgrade Device Blueprint, Pickaxe)
🏃goto 1292 178 589
Weapon Upgrade Device Blueprint location:
🏃goto BlueprintItemPlatingPickup

📌️How to use Upgrade your weapons


23 Hut (Trap Blueprints)🏃goto 1464 86.8 760.3
⭐24 Cave G (Artifact 5, Notes, Trap Blueprints) 🏃goto 1702.5 28.1 1038.4
⭐⛏️How to get Artifact #5 in Cave G (Virginia Camouflage)
Artifact 5 location: 🏃goto ArtifactPieceEPickup
Trap Blueprints location: 🏃goto BlueprintGrindTrapPickup

25 Residential Bunker (Virginia Leather Suit, Spacesuit, Pistol, Katana)
How to get Katana, Virginia Leather suit, spacesuit in Residential Bunker
🏃goto 1248.3 237.5 -666.5

Near Residential Bunker
33 Hut (Gore chair Trap blueprint, Note, Loots)
🏃goto 1839.9 48.9 -476.6
34 Small Cave (Spot light Blueprint) 🏃goto 1465.6 178.1 -655.3

26 Last Bunker (Virginia Dress, Ancient Armor Upgrade Device Blueprint)
How to upgrade Acient & Bone Armor
🏃goto 1756.3 40 552.6

How to defeat Demon boss, Final battle + Final Choice

27 Helipad (Last Battle) 🏃goto 1928.8 15 456.2

28 Last Artifact Cave 🏃goto 1255.6 194.5 306.8

29 Ice Cave (Clock blueprint) 🏃goto 431 515.4 -204.3
30 Hut (Bridal Gown) 🏃goto 195.5 523.8 -335.6
Camp with 3D printer (Orange color GPS) 🏃goto 380.9 443.84 -662.9

31 Mine 🏃goto 1716.8 25.5 78.4
Hut (Lamp blueprint, Rifle Ammo, Note)🏃goto 1490.1 83 69

32 Small Cave (Artifact? Device Blueprints) 🏃goto 1530.8 188.2 -473.6
When version 1.0 was released, this device was required to have a SolaFit e plating on items and buildings, but after the game engine update, the game was twisted and it didn’t need to be, but if you run this device, Lightenings are beautiful~!

33 Hut (Gore Chair Trap Blueprints, Note, Light Bulbs, SolaFite Ore)
🏃goto 1839.9 48.9 -476.6

34 Small Cave (Spot light Blueprint) 🏃goto 1465.6 178.1 -655.3
35 Small Cave 🏃goto 869.6 55.2 -1411.1

Nearby waterfall 🏃goto 647.9 154.3 -1295.6
Nearby high ground with rope to climb to
🏃goto 794.6 165.6 -1183
Nearby helmet marked shotgun shells
🏃goto 580.9 213.6 -1291.8

⛵ Boat Locations:

36 (Notes, Blazer) 🏃goto 418.1 16.5 -1815.4

37 Ice Cave (Spear Thrower Trap Blueprints)🏃goto -105.6 395.4 -1064.8
Nearby abandoned camp🏃goto -135.7 409.6 -1037.7

38 Binoculars 🏃goto -1115 19 1720

39 Small Cave (Small Mine) 🏃goto 1374.6 90.6 1729.8
40 Small Cave (Small Mine) 🏃goto 1533.4 91.3 1487.5

41 Abandoned Camp (Hoodie, Notes, Hang glider)
🏃goto -1388.9 233.7 -1123.1
42 Abandoned Camp (golf putter, pistol rail, winter jacket)
🏃goto 1082.8 89.4 1562

43 Mine (Black circle), GPS (Orage circle)
Where there is GPS and radio 🏃goto -706.2 101.5 -1432.9
Where there is mine ️🏃goto -670.7 102.3 -1394.7

44 Small Cave (Trap Blueprints) 🏃goto -947.2 168.8 -1480.2

45 Small Cave (Some Bullets, Rope, Solafite Ore, and etc)
🏃goto 935 370 530

But, there are many graves on the ground, lightning strikes with solafite minerals, and if you go into a small cave and come out,

Small Cave’s Entrance and lightning strikes with solafite minerals

4 demons attack… They seem to be making something…

4 demons attack

HotSprings (Easter Egg)
🏃goto 903 370 360


📌Virginia, Kelvin clothes location⭐

📌Modifying your save file⭐

🧟How to revive Virginia & Kelvin⚰️

🚁How to use console commands (cheatstick)
⚒️How to install the Infinite Inventory, Stop Virginia Beacon mod
Reviving Virginia
💃How to combine Virginia, Kelvin clothes (I will update after checking all combinations.)
⚒️Red mod manager

🏗️Building Tips

Electronics 101 (How to use Solar Energy, install Spotlight)


C1. Location of 50 notes (Gumshoe)



📌How to use “goto”, “gotozone” Console Commands
📌How to get essential items
📌️Tips about Fishing, Hunting, Armor, Arrows and Materials
+ Snowberry Locations
⚔️Mutants: characteristics and how to defeat them

🚩Cave A, B, C, D, F, G | Bunker A, B, C | Food Bunker
🚩Entertainment Bunker | 📌️How to Use Folding Gliders
📌️How to use Artifacts (Solafite Plating, Teleport, Generator)
📌️How to use Weapon Upgrade Device and Tips

🚩Residential Bunker, Luxury Bunker, Helipad (Last Battle),
Last Artifact Cave | ⛵ Boat Locations

📌️How to Upgrade your weapons / Virginia, Kelvin clothes location
📌Modifying your save file 📌How to use Console Commands (cheatstick)

🏗️Building Tips | ⚡Electronics 101

🩰Some ways to get to know Virginia1️⃣ | Virginia2️⃣
🩴Virginia Reactions🙂‍↔️😱🦨😵‍💫





Written by Doyoon

싱글 플레이 공포, 생존 게임 공략, 모드, 치트 정보 / Game walkthrough 커피 한잔 지원해 주실 분은 >> https://www.buymeacoffee.com/doyoon

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