🚁Cave C. ① How to get Shovel | Sons of the Forest

12 min read5 days ago


Cave C is a cave that requires a rebreather and a rope gun. Below, I will introduce the process of get a shovel using a shortcut and moving to a safe place.

There are two more powerful mutants named Legsy in this cave, and Fingers and Puffies are also nearby. However, there is a shortcut that allows you to get to the shovel without meeting Legsy.

※ The content below contains extremely disgusting cannibals, monsters, and emotionally burdensome screenshots. If you do not want to see these things, please don’t read this article.

🗺️Maps: Shovel, Wet suit, Shortcut, Loots & Enemies Locations in Cave C
🚩Entrance | Air tank | 🛒Loots | Air tank
☠️Puffies | 1️⃣How to drown | 2️⃣fiery close combat | 3️⃣Dine-and-dash
🤿Wetsuits | 🛒Loots | 💥Explosive
☠️Puffies | 🏹Ranged Attack | 🔥Close Combat
🛣️Shortcut | ☠️Puffies + Fingers | 👶Mutant Babies | ⛏️Shovel
📚Sons of the Forest (2024) Walkthrough Contents

How to get Shovel in Cave C | Sons of the Forest

🗺️Maps: Slingshot, Shovel, Wet suit, Shortcut, Loots & Enemies Locations in Cave C

Part 1.
1. Entrance, 2. Air tank, 🛒Loots, 4. Air tank, ☠️Puffies, 🤿Wetsuits,
🛒Loots, 💥Explosive, ☠️Puffies, 🛣️Shortcut, ☠️Puffies + Fingers,
👶Mutant Babies, 13. ️Shovel

Part 2.
14. Puffies, 🎯where the money bag is(Sniping position),
☠️Mutants Area + GPS, Flashlight attachment, 🛒Loots, 🐌Sluggy,
👶Mutant Babies, 21. Exit

Cave C Maps | Sons of the Forest

⚠️Cave C. Part 1


There is a slingshot around the waist of your teammate’s body in front of the entrance. You can use small rocks or golf balls if you get them from a residential bunker.

2. Air tank

Before you go inside on the zipline, look down and you will see an air tank.


Take the zip line and go inside and go to the right. At position 3, you will find items such as duct tape, laptop (circuit board), energy drink, medicine, vodka, etc. around the corpse of your teammate as shown below.

Loots you can obtain before diving in Cave C

4. Air tank

If you look toward the entrance before diving, there is an air tank right in front of the light.

If you want to go outside for a while before diving,
If you go to the right from the above location, there are rocks that look like stairs. You can get out of Cave C by jumping on the rocks as shown in the screenshot below.

To dive, take the zip line and you will see a place with a square rock and a rope as shown below. If you go straight from the position below and dive, you can dive to the perfect position.

As shown below, you will come to a place similar to the one in the middle where you can see stalactites. If you look to the left in front of it, go straight towards the passage.


Usually, there is no mutant when you first come here, but for those who restart the game several times or come to this cave several times, there will be one as soon as you come up, as shown below.

There are 4 to 5 puffies at normal level here, and the strategy I recommend is one of three.

There are 1️⃣baiting and drowning methods, 2️⃣fiery close combat, and 3️⃣dine-and-dash methods.

1️⃣How to drown Mutants

After diving, when I came up to my destination, I saw the mutant immediately crying and calling for his colleagues. And other mutants come rushing in.

Puffy calling his comrades

The condition below is rather good. All you have to do is swim in the water and provoke the mutants to attack.

other mutants come rushing in.

If you swim back and forth moderately, or go out of the water for a moment and then swim right back, the mutants will come to attack you, and they will fall into the water and drown.

Puffies that attack you and get drowned

If you swim and push the floating males toward the ground as shown below and hit them with a torch a few times, they will catch fire and after a while they will burn out and only the bones will remain. You can collect the bones and make bone armor.

Only males float on the water.

If you go into the dark part of the screenshot below, you will see a slippery section. Go back and forth between dive areas and taunt other puffies into drowning them.

A passage leading to a slide that leads down to the next section.

2️⃣Fiery close combat (It’s dangerous)

It is a close combat using torches.

In the hit-and-run style, if there is only one mutant, you hit it twice with a torch and then dodge into the water or step back. When the mutant tries to put out the fire on its body, it approaches again and attacks.

If you repeat this process a few times, you will defeat the mutant.

But when you actually try it, you might think it’s too cruel.
If you hit a fallen mutant with a torch a few times, it will start burning even if you do not light a bonfire, and after a certain period of time, only bones remain. If you think it’s dangerous, just avoid it with water.

The process is so brutal that I’ll just share the screenshots below.

As long as you aren’t attacked by multiple mutants at the same time, you can quickly take them all down and burn them before heading to your destination.

However, if the mutant attacks from the front using both arms, your attacks may not work. I don’t know if it’s a bug or not, but if you’re in this state, the worst can happen, so when you get attacked, jump in the other direction to escape the area.

Sometimes just sprinting isn’t enough to move even if you get beaten up.
I destroyed 5 pieces of bone armor this way, and I don’t think there will be any problem if you burn them all and make them into bone armor.

At first, I made a bonfire and burned it, but if you just hit it 2–3 times with a torch, it will start burning on its own.


Run and avoid the mutants, quickly get the wetsuit and items in the middle, and then enter the dark area below and immediately slip and move straight inside the cave. Before you go, take the diving suit, air tank, and 9mm bullets in location 6~


In the middle of the ascending section, there is a wetsuit, air tank, and 9mm bullet box as shown below.

Wetsuits and Loots in the middle section


After slipping, come out of the water and there are loots on the right.

Before you go down, take the loots around you~


Come down and in front of you there are three bomb bags containing grenades and a C4 brick. If you want to attack the Puffies in the next area from a distance, I recommend making explosive stone arrows.

If you come here after some majestic music is played in front of the shovel area where the stones are blocked in position 8 below, you will see “Sluggy” as shown on the right.

You need a weapon to blow up this “sluggy”. 18 arrows are required for 3D printed arrows, but not stone arrows. Alternatively, you’ll need an Explosive Arrow or a Stickybomb.

For reference, there are two more grenades in the cave where there is a shortcut.

Where the sluggy comes from

The methods I tried to defeat “sluggy” are…

In the past, I made a bug report because when I used an arrow attack on a “sluggy”, the sluggi did not hit and it felt like it was stuck in the wall. It seems to have been fixed at some point, but it does not work with stone arrows.

I’ve shot 50 stone arrows, but This mutant could not be defeated. As for weapons other than explosives, I have confirmed that only 3D printed arrows and explosive stone (3d printed, carbon fiber) arrows can destroy sluggy. Torch attacks also have no effect.

I don’t know why, but Molotov cocktails have very little effect and don’t work properly.


When I didn’t know that I could defeat the mutants with a torch attack, I set up a wall torch for better visibility at this location and saw that there was a Puffy waiting right in front of the passage where the solafite vein was located.

You can step back slightly to where Puffy jumped in and immediately shoot it with an arrow or hit it with a torch. If it feels difficult, you can go up and lure it into the water.

If you use explosive arrows, the Puffies won’t flock to you because there are no other Puffies nearby.

But if it’s more than 10 days of survival, I don’t know what it’s like. When I came here for the second time on my 30th day of survival, I couldn’t go in because the passageway where the solafite vein was located was so full of puffies.

🏹Ranged Attack

When making a long-distance attack with an explosive stone arrow, look at the center of this area right in front of the solafite vein as shown below, and aim high and shoot depending on the location of the wandering Puffy.

After a while, you will see it explode as shown below. If an arrow explodes there, nearby mutants won’t come here. They only move around looking for it, so you can snipe them in the same way.

You only need to defeat four of them in total. If you have defeated them all, install a wall torch in the solarite vein as shown in the middle of “🔥Close Combat” below, so it will be easier to find the exit location when you return later.

Results of sniping with an explosive stone arrow

🔥Close Combat

Just grab the torch and go into the solafite vein and there will be one waiting for you.

It feels like “I will stop at nothing to defeat the mutants.” If Puffy is standing up from a sitting position, hit it with a torch. As shown in the screenshot on the right, it falls down and burns, then gets up two or three times.

Puffy (left) waiting in front of the mineral vein and knocked down after being hit with a torch (right)

If you place a wall torch where solafite is, it will be easier to find your way when you return here later.

Install wall torches for location identification

If you run, the Puppies will hear the sound and recognize it right away, so walk slowly, then run right behind the ones with their backs to you, as shown below, and hit them until they fall down. If they try to get up, hit them again to defeat them!

When more than one comes, hit one, set it on fire, and run away, hit the other one and run away, and then repeat the hit and run.

If you defeat all four, get the loots in the center and take the shortcut.


Here’s how to go to location 10 on the map. If you go the normal route, sometimes there are only two Fingers and two Legsy, and sometimes there are two more Puffies.

In the middle of the stalactites that seem to be just in the background at location 10, you can go inside by jumping inward at the exact middle point, as shown in the screenshot on the right below.

Map of the area where the shortcut to Cave C is located
location of shortcut

If you jump once more in the state below, you will go inside. If that doesn’t work, you can jump several times to enter.

A place where you can take a shortcut

When you go inside, you will find the corpse of your teammate, money, ammo bags, air tanks, and grenades, as shown on the right side of the screenshot below. Get it and look to the left to see a place you can dive. You can dive here and go straight to where the shovel is, or go behind where mutants are.

Places to dive and Loots in the shortcut

If you dive and move forward, turn right and then left inside the passage, the exit is where limbs and money are floating as shown below. When you come here later, you can look at these arms and legs.

While diving, the location is marked with limbs and banknotes.

☠️Puffies + Fingers

If you come out of the above location and move to the left, there will be a Fingers and a Puffy ahead, and one more Puffy behind them.

Fingers and Puffy are blocking the path ahead.

There is already deep water behind it, so you can lure it into the water. I just burned the other one.

Drowned fingers, puffy and burnt puffy

👶Mutant Babies

You can ignore the mutant babies and go straight to the front where the shovel is, get the shovel and items, and dive right at location 11. Alternatively, the mutant babies don’t fit neatly, so torch attacks are a bit inconvenient. I recommend shooting at close range with a pistol or stone arrow.

The babies have weak attack power, so it doesn’t matter if they get attacked, and there is nothing to be gained by defeating them, so you can just ignore them and pass by.

Arrows can be recovered, so if you go right in front of them and hit them on the head, you can retrieve the arrows from the mutants that were hit and use them again. The only enemies here are mutant babies.

Now you can get the shovel.

Close shooting? Defeat mutant babies with archery
Map of the area where the shortcut to Cave C is located


When you come to this location, background music will play~~~ You can get ammunition and a shovel, and in the next article, I will continue with the strategy on the way back.

Where to find ammo, items and shovels

