Here’s where to find disaster relief crates in Bel-Air, what to look out for as you progress through the mission, and where to find weapon that drop repeatedly under certain conditions.
※ Dead Island 2 has a reputation for being the ultimate in gore and horror. If you don’t want to see that, please, don’t read this article.
1️⃣ 2F, Sauna room at the Swanson’s mansion
2️⃣ Near the alley on the right after exiting the side door of Emma’s house, where the road is blocked by a red ambulance
3️⃣ Near delivery vehicles blocking Access Rd 781
4️⃣ Weapon near where the mailman’s vehicle is parked on Alpine Dr.
5️⃣ Near a police car parked in front of the second gate of the Goat Pen
6️⃣ Inside the Gym at the Goat pen
7️⃣ On your way to the Brentwood Sewer
📚 Dead Island 2 walkthrough Contens (WIP)
The 1 place I’ve marked with an X is the Disaster Relief Crate in the sewers.
1️⃣ 2F, Sauna room at the Swanson’s mansion
You’ll never enter this mansion except when you first arrive in Bel-Air and during the side quest “Creature Comforts,” but if you go up the stairs by the pool, you’ll find the Disaster Relief Crate inside the sauna room near the balcony.
2️⃣ Near the alley on the right after exiting the side door of Emma’s house, where the road is blocked by a red paramedic ambulance
From Emma’s house, go out the side door halfway between the front and back doors and head right to find the Disaster Relief Crate next to the red ambulance blocking Access Rd 782, as shown below.
In the early part of this area, there are Shamblers, Midway through and beyond, there are Shocking Walker and one of the Swarm Walker, Crusher, and Screamer here.
3️⃣ Near delivery vehicles blocking Access Rd 781
If you go to this location, there will always be a walker rummaging through the trash, and if you come directly from Swanson’s mansion, nothing will come out, but if you come here from somewhere else, there will be two runners coming up from the sewers.
Just go straight ahead and smash the boxes to get the weapon from the Disaster Relief Crate.
After the recent update, if you come here often, one of the Crusher, Slobber, Screamer, Buster will wait inside and attack you, so be careful~.
After the 4th update, the slobber come out — just throw the fuel jerrycan around, blow them up with Molotov cocktails and pipe bombs, then go up and beat it up. Fortunately, it can’t get out.
4️⃣ Weapon near where the mailman’s vehicle is parked on Alpine Dr.
The weapon at this location is not a Disaster Relief Crate.
It’s something you can get here repeatedly at the beginning of each new quest, whenever you’ve been to a different area.
On the road to the Halperin Hotel, next to where the mail truck is, there’s a heavy wrench and some other items in an inaccessible area with electricity, as shown below, where there are walkers or shamblers early on and a shocking walker or two later.
There are two ways to access the electricity, either by closing the valve circled in red on the right in the shot below and waiting for the water to dry up, or by throwing a weapon at the electrical control panel in the red square to cut it off.
But I simply sprint, jump to the Metal Crate, pick it all up, and then jump back out, because it’s easier to use the electricity to kill other zombies if I leave it alone.
5️⃣ Near a police car parked in front of the second gate of the Goat Pen
A little past the gates of the goat pen, in front of the second gate, where there is a police car and a bus, as shown below, if you look at the back of the police car, you will see a disaster relief crate.